# id text audio loss_mel_ce loss_text_ce consistency_score
0 infinite_youtube__8qgIFD0PaWo__001800__70.818_76.922 But she's not, yeah, does she repeat offend?

26.18119239807129 5258.42041015625 0.91552734375
1 infinite_youtube__kCAcuYFLydI__746.550_751.611 Untuck your shirt.

43.6113395690918 4944.96142578125 0.90478515625
2 infinite_youtube__QaYLfXb9Mlk__000000__1582.520_1586.121 This is the murder weapon that killed Lorenzen Wright.

44.443119049072266 5727.76611328125 0.921875
3 infinite_youtube__aSRKVrpDBCI__005400__764.162_768.384 Is there any reason why we have to get into anything that occurred before April 4th?

53.65776443481445 6081.3916015625 0.86328125
4 infinite_youtube__GYqj0YyN47k__000000__1135.352_1137.623 My wife picked up the truck in New York.

55.56006240844727 5550.82177734375 0.9267578125
5 infinite_youtube__JTTBI2KF6J4__000000__734.054_738.777 Jay Couture will tell you he saw it when he appraised the residence, didn't touch it.

55.56096267700195 4949.2216796875 0.88232421875
6 infinite_youtube__yyXBrtE4l6I__000000__98.167_99.057 Ah!

61.2947998046875 7397.2607421875 0.8818359375
7 infinite_youtube__iHkgbZ6nx34__001800__1490.990_1498.493 Yes, sir.

67.18368530273438 6204.9453125 0.9677734375
8 infinite_youtube__uZN5xjoS6TU__009000__48.790_55.062 Yeah, so before I took on the Halo Drive, there was an idea.

72.29993438720703 4615.80029296875 0.8837890625
9 infinite_youtube__NFegQUYan1I__005400__959.820_964.152 Uh-oh!

73.96149444580078 3624.49365234375 0.87451171875
10 infinite_youtube__RwUN_R8iTz8__005400__1247.609_1251.530 I can't say she's in the bedroom, the walker's in there, or whatever.

76.31233215332031 5742.77490234375 0.970703125
11 infinite_youtube__6YbF5q9Fv3E__161.653_163.013 I know that's something the President is talking about.

79.57814025878906 5931.06298828125 0.93603515625
12 infinite_youtube__toIJTGC0rmM__003600__437.864_450.093 Now, Mr. Douglas, you indicated on your testimony yesterday that you believed, and please correct me if I misstate your testimony, sir, that you interviewed 10 Erics personally.

81.13228607177734 4862.61328125 0.86181640625
13 infinite_youtube__lcTYl56TQE8__401.604_411.770 It starts with a P. And then there's an E after the P. And then the R. There's a PR.

82.38651275634766 5912.55078125 0.90087890625
14 infinite_youtube__BmQTO_nwkS4__272.461_282.722 He and his partner, Joe McGillivray, dressed head and toe in full police uniform, bulletproof vest, marked squad car.

84.74544525146484 4997.33837890625 0.9833984375
15 infinite_youtube__Bq5GzsOtq9w__1130.901_1138.304 People are facing a lot of problems because of which people are worried and questioning the authorities here.

84.96101379394531 6062.9765625 0.96142578125
16 infinite_youtube__k_8doUey6VE__000000__1171.724_1184.766 OK. And in your experience and in your memory, did any of those doctors ever order fentanyl or the equivalent of other opioid pain medications in the doses that Dr. Hussle ordered.

89.00408172607422 5033.3251953125 0.9375
17 infinite_youtube__4aAzwxE3BGk__110.690_120.732 This is your Grandma Christine's cabin.

89.58421325683594 5213.13232421875 0.93994140625
18 infinite_youtube__r-JzrtalwLw__001800__869.273_877.935 We are going to meet Nabil, who's an environmentalist, and is just raising awareness of the environment here in Kurdistan.

91.97518157958984 4975.96630859375 0.86865234375
19 infinite_youtube__3LQBfbguG00__1087.880_1093.514 The beauty of this trade is that anyone could do it, in theory.

94.71485900878906 4439.3486328125 0.875
20 infinite_youtube__AC4QzKGA0NY__000000__566.747_575.512 about the wounds on Mr. Cottings.

95.50164794921876 5269.49462890625 0.955078125
21 infinite_youtube__nfm1LDfNS5U__007200__343.905_350.400 I think it's very instructive that the state says we could have charged this, but we didn't.

101.12326049804688 6182.01611328125 0.95703125
22 infinite_youtube__FhLIIHUk_kY__10.001_10.781 It's a shocker.

103.45223999023438 6590.71435546875 0.9169921875
23 infinite_youtube__J1f2GXd66ZY__195.082_201.613 But those switch rails should get housed into the stock rail very well.

104.2444839477539 6294.74755859375 0.95751953125
24 infinite_youtube__yBG10jlo9X0__714.729_724.412 Patreon is a voluntary subscription service where you can support the content you love through a monthly donation to help keep Crash Course free for everyone, forever.

105.32984924316406 5081.0625 0.87060546875
25 infinite_youtube__S0rvbOESnJc__000000__98.744_100.516 I was like, why didn't I have it?

107.09809112548828 5236.0322265625 0.86474609375
26 infinite_youtube__9qBaEz-VLd0__019800__269.603_277.205 Before news of Vice President Biden's candidacy broke, President Trump showed no interest in Ukraine.

109.59457397460938 4529.15234375 0.92333984375
27 infinite_youtube__MZL0BWWpiL8__000000__1528.754_1542.084 So, based on that, marking that as the only thing that can have that then if it has to be pushed into the ground for it to fit, would that be excluded?

110.91626739501952 5522.26171875 0.94873046875
28 infinite_youtube___fpU2OIp7MM__001800__977.396_985.006 No, nothing to show you all that he was in fact in that car with them going to kill Lorenzen Wright.

113.34684753417967 4935.298828125 0.90771484375
29 infinite_youtube__skBDOQEUo1A__445.890_459.794 3 points Because it's too salty This is worth 5 cents 5 cents?

115.3631591796875 4896.28515625 0.98583984375
30 infinite_youtube__43oNtgMxCtU__82.213_83.554 Oh, no, it's not going to be great.

115.53045654296876 4651.31982421875 0.87841796875
31 infinite_youtube__zHYipiVXp9s__003600__855.400_861.618 I'm sorry, you and your son, did you go to the beach in two separate automobiles?

118.44355010986328 4531.9609375 0.97900390625
32 infinite_youtube__CAuU-8kGD_Y__003600__155.106_161.659 And what is it, what examination, what are you looking for in trying to determine whether or not a particular bullet came from that gun?

119.42159271240234 4949.97216796875 0.94287109375
33 infinite_youtube__JFsOoA8v2HY__310.609_318.841 I simply meant that we have the power to change things.

121.49126434326172 5653.962890625 0.95458984375
34 infinite_youtube__hme8hitfy5g__001800__924.626_931.378 And testifying in a high profile case or case in cellulose would be good for business, right?

123.19857788085938 4820.77978515625 0.912109375
35 infinite_youtube__3E2wl2ao7UM__003600__523.921_526.102 That's the first thing that I did.

125.6487045288086 5652.3994140625 0.89013671875
36 infinite_youtube__nrDQ9r5Hm-Y__000000__274.103_279.443 They were funding Newsclick through Chinese companies, Naval Royals, Singham.

128.1813507080078 5258.7412109375 0.8984375
37 infinite_youtube__h-Q-Cpk7nO0__001800__274.463_275.874 Armenia stands in the way of that.

128.64720153808594 5918.31640625 0.92529296875
38 infinite_youtube__JVk22_FpaPU__299.384_308.850 And in order to see that the Kannada should be promoted, protected and also preserved in future, the activists are struggling hard to...

128.8769073486328 5085.5126953125 0.96630859375
39 infinite_youtube__9Hf54HB5ZXk__001800__106.260_108.782 August 14th, 1937 is now known as Bloody Saturday.

131.88914489746094 4927.80224609375 0.8779296875
40 infinite_youtube__t1Qe50dzL7E__1206.320_1210.533 We'll go ahead and take our new recess until 1.30 this afternoon.

135.0812225341797 5162.2783203125 0.96240234375
41 infinite_youtube__--3PG0yv7xo__000000__568.536_573.489 And people, I think a subcube, I don't know, doctors don't teach people to do it in a muscle.

138.7891387939453 4737.60693359375 0.8955078125
42 infinite_youtube__M_oUX2Mv_BQ__000000__627.153_632.215 So have staff been warned to be too friendly with guests or too close to guests?

139.1377410888672 5182.2109375 0.97412109375
43 infinite_youtube__9Fwp3i-uFQI__003600__616.295_619.747 I have to figure things out and I'm not...

142.232666015625 6025.07861328125 0.958984375
44 infinite_youtube__tFhFyRdb8GU__000000__36.715_48.953 Did you have an occasion back on the 29th of April, 2017, to make any observations about anything in the footwell of the driver's area of the vehicle, the 2004 Impala?

144.4532928466797 5750.71044921875 0.91162109375
45 infinite_youtube__suVTpGsWbZk__000000__25.436_31.977 So if someone comes and asks you about how you testified, you disregard the question.

146.5343475341797 4749.17333984375 0.9375
46 infinite_youtube___ahrBO752QU__001800__713.622_720.717 Well, I just think we need to, as far as I'm concerned, I think we need to let the board know.

148.9435272216797 6280.05712890625 0.947265625
47 infinite_youtube__Z0tf6kXqUYM__40.292_46.756 She was one half of America's iconic comedy duo in the late 70s, Laverne and Shirley.

150.83934020996094 5405.69970703125 0.86474609375
48 infinite_youtube__DGQVgZjWxb0__113.116_119.938 And I would like to thank you for opening the doors of your White House for the Indian community.

154.50094604492188 5553.78662109375 0.98095703125
49 infinite_youtube__TjKuda-ntmg__414.093_423.269 Honored lady, I am very surprised that you are talking about things the Israelis themselves were not able to prove.

154.72683715820312 5518.36669921875 0.88671875
50 infinite_youtube__mI8YPy3lNUU__000000__636.327_645.200 If I could, and I'll allow the question, but... Are you asking – are you – Parliamentary Inquiry, are you seriously interrupting our time here?

158.61044311523438 4723.45458984375 0.962890625
51 infinite_youtube__XV35u9QLErM__000000__1631.792_1635.873 Monkey comes with a funny plan, funny plan, funny plan.

160.2384490966797 5400.5107421875 0.9453125
52 infinite_youtube__qCv3uTfxksY__39.116_48.834 And I've got a wild exclusive interview with the woman who's following in the footsteps of Sam Ryder.

160.86331176757812 5699.3671875 0.89111328125
53 infinite_youtube__OtzLWVv3e2o__189.405_192.866 Jury number two, Mr. Flores, is this your verdict?

163.4654998779297 4916.94873046875 0.95068359375
54 infinite_youtube__pUBqdpSVE90__675.416_679.793 Yeah, I was like ready to rip in on it, but it's not something horrible.

163.74119567871094 4941.62841796875 0.9365234375
55 infinite_youtube__VNweK9eMtOc__805.742_807.123 And I think that's a good thing.

166.2544708251953 4714.580078125 0.87060546875
56 infinite_youtube__HJ5ylUUCQEk__001800__1268.506_1278.342 For these additional search warrants, did you share with And did you specifically see authorization to some of those messaging.

166.45945739746094 4888.50244140625 0.97412109375
57 infinite_youtube__5FWWe2U41N8__76.160_89.373 Balbir Singh, Chef, Gurpurab Large bags of white rice are poured into metal bowls and washed by hand.

171.71316528320312 4929.701171875 0.91748046875
58 infinite_youtube__IeeDtilhRSQ__217.681_218.992 And we talk about that, as well.

180.10699462890625 6619.59619140625 0.908203125
59 infinite_youtube__gmhZBYHNPVw__164.906_166.227 Arvind Kejriwal has said it.

184.01036071777344 4833.107421875 0.919921875
60 infinite_youtube__JaNnapf12CQ__001800__371.544_383.244 Finally went into the Piggly Wiggly parking lot, got in the back of the car, I slept till morning and man, I just really couldn't sleep.

188.59820556640625 5450.36767578125 0.95556640625
61 infinite_youtube__GivJ9zyvl6s__406.364_407.784 Of course, they have their rights.

192.5016326904297 5897.4697265625 0.96484375
62 infinite_youtube__2CM4HclbmBI__94.443_97.855 This film did not work, that is why it was removed.

193.25579833984372 5046.92822265625 0.89208984375
63 infinite_youtube__v4IhB42hSiY__84.940_87.251 The key conspirator has yet to be identified.

197.59323120117188 4979.52197265625 0.87744140625
64 infinite_youtube__wKOKAtKZVcY__001800__1274.492_1277.453 And can you go to your page 36 to report?

198.06613159179688 5451.3603515625 0.95068359375
65 infinite_youtube__y83bXBaID6Q__46.192_50.315 There was a vehicle driving behind it with a camera.

205.0048828125 4537.669921875 0.9755859375
66 infinite_youtube__7QZz-4k9iPs__000000__1120.635_1121.695 Ah!

211.2930908203125 4792.79833984375 0.86279296875
67 infinite_youtube__Znihm4Jo4zU__000000__450.440_454.752 It's not spiced and then fried with the spice.

211.80270385742188 5332.3779296875 0.865234375
68 infinite_youtube__h88bhxS2cho__32.632_36.472 Firefly squid fishing isn't a normal fishing job.

213.20947265625 5396.1298828125 0.9755859375
69 infinite_youtube__VSOahD7pmzM__125.459_130.242 But after two days, I can say that this should not happen.

213.43408203125 4429.68115234375 0.93798828125
70 infinite_youtube__eQRyVRBg5eM__001800__846.398_848.769 Do you recognize that document, sir?

220.93492126464844 4755.03369140625 0.875
71 infinite_youtube__NJkbhD-rQ3E__000000__421.868_428.774 But in Haryana, it is about 100 kilometers away, like in Sonipat, Rohtak, Panipat.

224.78404235839844 5330.8017578125 0.921875
72 infinite_youtube__lIGtvaWep1M__834.956_842.398 And there are all the chances that he decides to grab the subject, to ask the question, to announce that he is in a trial.

225.01730346679688 4760.37841796875 0.9501953125
73 infinite_youtube__AUtDqsDN9rY__242.801_244.764 They can issue any amount of notice.

225.02374267578125 6047.916015625 0.90625
74 infinite_youtube__VjzDbDVhzzs__137.347_146.392 the milk mixture and 1 1⁄2 cups of flour.

229.08355712890625 5137.2802734375 0.869140625
75 infinite_youtube__G2fE-W6RxRA__003600__908.280_909.590 You know, the lawyers beat them.

242.6123962402344 6074.662109375 0.89306640625
76 infinite_youtube__fwKpPO4jkCw__188.375_193.087 Oh, Ma, I miss your apple pie.

248.20762634277344 4401.5009765625 0.89404296875
77 infinite_youtube__pTWlIaMkTEQ__003600__1291.053_1304.242 So it was, that was kind of like the, no, but it's, you know, it's unfathomable to me that, not even about being friends, it's just unfathomable to me that like we lost him.

261.96142578125 4840.4326171875 0.9150390625
78 infinite_youtube__otG32w0gCac__66.739_72.188 Ladies and gentlemen, the icon in Boston.

271.3245849609375 5557.013671875 0.884765625
79 infinite_youtube__0YryG6_mvNA__38.180_42.521 But I think the uncertainty about the rate cut is maybe a little trepidation this morning on the market.

273.6777648925781 5825.11083984375 0.9228515625
80 infinite_youtube__UOEpe17nPhE__000000__1241.342_1248.408 I'll be as dumb as possible, because it was truly, It's really, you know, like leading by your feet.

285.0260925292969 4873.1328125 0.86767578125
81 infinite_youtube__TITm9sLqDIg__186.839_192.962 How many students have started their own startups in the hackathons?

287.65594482421875 5585.41162109375 0.97802734375
82 infinite_youtube__7L6SYAeq-js__000000__184.312_185.632 You can use a chopstick really.

293.1332702636719 4665.54931640625 0.92626953125
83 infinite_youtube__MUlXXECWuxo__000000__1075.969_1084.911 Uddhav Thackeray says to Chandrakant Patil, who was our former state president, How can you say that we had no role in getting Babri overthrown?

294.8014831542969 5472.21142578125 0.96533203125
84 infinite_youtube__hn7B5AsSQlo__000000__1222.836_1234.053 That's right, a free kebab for every customer!

331.05255126953125 5306.1357421875 0.95849609375
85 infinite_youtube__C3a_Gtws1s8__001800__830.624_835.987 Every day is a magical day with a magic pet.

341.7567749023437 5015.2373046875 0.88232421875
86 infinite_youtube__EuzWxSKYOFo__128.445_130.586 Damkal's vehicles are present at the scene right now.

369.0732116699219 4937.72802734375 0.90869140625
87 infinite_youtube__ztxL16NkMbU__1094.806_1101.989 Let us all take the decision to fulfill our constitutional duty and to move forward in all areas of personal and social activities.

380.9655456542969 5267.46484375 0.97802734375
88 infinite_youtube__HUmnlK-fiN0__001800__1688.357_1689.027 Oh!

416.4857482910156 5928.25244140625 0.90087890625
89 infinite_youtube__k_8LrE8jDb0__000000__793.112_796.375 So when I asked him, I said, I'm wondering.

426.2268371582031 4873.77880859375 0.95947265625
90 infinite_youtube__16JiENqxZYc__001800__1257.460_1259.270 I mean, I got to interact with you.

452.2041931152344 4671.46630859375 0.87255859375
91 infinite_youtube__1LmC7G4tc7E__688.247_689.437 Oh, you can get a free pizza?

524.251953125 5100.564453125 0.8701171875
92 infinite_youtube__8UNKgoqe6Pw__1015.570_1016.790 I was not given an allegation.

547.1266479492188 6959.9599609375 0.9716796875
93 infinite_youtube__tL6Mh9J_vck__003600__335.887_340.299 Well, the garbage, yes, but the disinfectant, yeah, I think it was there.

620.7125854492188 5350.1142578125 0.953125
94 infinite_youtube__3Rim7rRxRdc__669.371_674.334 Instead of these beady little rat orbs.

661.578369140625 5796.50537109375 0.869140625
95 infinite_youtube__Z4hwzMP4Q_Q__30.944_32.415 Yeah.

686.9288940429688 5326.9189453125 0.87744140625
96 infinite_youtube__6Dz29sZ6PYI__907.742_913.615 And the next question is, what percentage identifies white racists?

741.7435302734375 4879.0107421875 0.91455078125
97 infinite_youtube__IKW7i_AoG1Y__679.015_682.656 Yes, I come here every morning and I am free all day.

812.5545043945312 5860.4384765625 0.96044921875
98 infinite_youtube__3Enkyrbz5wY__007200__1154.780_1156.832 And holy mother of toads, he came back with my exact order.

994.3417358398438 5552.95556640625 0.93798828125
99 infinite_youtube__5now8o4-IqE__420.180_422.741 Okay.

1207.9012451171875 5504.1806640625 0.89208984375