# id text audio loss_mel_ce loss_text_ce
0 infinite_youtube__m1aBpqU1DyU__005400__1334.363_1336.434 I think there's a lot of room for growth here.

290.3260803222656 5112.70068359375
1 infinite_youtube__V-3L3oVvvyg__90.124_93.425 And another Trump attorney, Jay Sekulow, said today.

292.6335754394531 5391.4638671875
2 infinite_youtube__YU2EXvmehGA__001800__1242.174_1244.446 I mean, the more you dive deep, it's just bananas.

292.69244384765625 4706.00439453125
3 infinite_youtube__ohxULZrEP1M__000000__1093.257_1099.713 But what they do, if they're a good facility, is that they put them on X amount per day for a couple of weeks.

294.8501281738281 5443.4072265625
4 infinite_youtube__d8tJHQlxZrU__36.892_39.163 Now, first up, India Chicken Pakora.

297.1805114746094 5314.15234375
5 infinite_youtube__gO9NBzN8YLs__1407.000_1409.693 When we closed, we made over $52,000 profit.

297.2675170898437 6051.7060546875
6 infinite_youtube___TAiCqGPpRs__233.868_235.339 Could be a heck of a lot worse.

299.3658142089844 5378.09130859375
7 infinite_youtube__SCeVGpWqQ0w__138.363_141.114 And the thing is, they play different.

300.70867919921875 4885.892578125
8 infinite_youtube__tVUJ7ksei6A__193.098_194.158 Long ass time, right?

302.2621459960937 4183.06103515625
9 infinite_youtube__5oSTqjidL4s__001800__729.641_739.769 He can he never like even when I argue with him or debate with him about any religious topic or whatever political topic, philosophical, he doesn't like losing.

303.7474365234375 5068.537109375
10 infinite_youtube__6w3sLLMv_m8__48.356_53.201 Well, with that, we will jump right into our first question.

304.7131652832031 5889.93798828125
11 infinite_youtube__8J0rsGeCN4o__867.932_878.888 So, today I want to say that these people are successfully doing the work that happened in East Pakistan right in front of my eyes.

305.2647705078125 5504.3955078125
12 infinite_youtube__bvAEJ8G9l9U__536.105_540.087 He's like, good luck, and he dives in, swims off, I'm like, okay.

306.241455078125 4907.07861328125
13 infinite_youtube__2kW9RADyN00__537.196_543.829 Selling out their family in order to sell a book that it received quite the helpful advance over.

306.4941711425781 5032.7255859375
14 infinite_youtube__EMPLLx_tfq8__001800__1485.996_1488.867 I thought once you filed, I thought it did all go away.

307.0926513671875 5155.65625
15 infinite_youtube__pLo5j-KTFYY__159.207_164.609 His mother Yulia said he'd yet to grow into a man still kidding about.

307.0958557128906 5060.0029296875
16 infinite_youtube__N7TtiLXKQaU__000000__840.227_843.793 Can you define that briefly?

307.66705322265625 4941.67578125
17 infinite_youtube__pDPsgJFNDUc__608.316_609.726 You're not gonna learn anything.

308.72576904296875 4628.86669921875
18 infinite_youtube__K1ZKTEi6fgE__000000__260.316_263.518 I was like, or it was during New York Comic Con is over the weekend, right?

315.29766845703125 5585.6787109375
19 infinite_youtube__ghp_bIglXAw__91.697_94.208 And to open the door, use a retinal scanner.

318.8991394042969 4808.25390625
20 infinite_youtube__9JMcfBviN2U__534.123_536.684 I can see the problem already!

321.85028076171875 5500.6171875
21 infinite_youtube__6yGl7MjcLuo__53.666_56.877 I think the smallest one should be the best.

321.94189453125 5898.94384765625
22 infinite_youtube__PyRz2tXP5-s__003600__883.146_887.037 And you just have to jump it from that to something else, you know?

322.4864196777344 5227.74462890625
23 infinite_youtube__jbDuo9jFDC8__1298.256_1300.317 I was like watching so many good movies.

322.65625 5253.1025390625
24 infinite_youtube__r7wJ4CH-EHg__205.060_207.690 Border security is national security.

323.2370910644531 4897.92431640625
25 infinite_youtube__Kp7aXZqWWWY__001800__694.504_699.048 Listen, if you like our podcast, please rate, review, subscribe, wherever you get your podcasts.

324.37890625 4463.8359375
26 infinite_youtube__jrgZNTEtluc__63.865_70.397 Yeah, yeah, yeah.

325.3310852050781 5260.70751953125
27 infinite_youtube__QNYPRdyVq0s__000000__1652.476_1653.727 They need to provoke that.

326.12744140625 4051.42041015625
28 infinite_youtube__5VSnNv9xtac__001800__88.713_95.378 Yeah, so many people don't forgive themselves for the longest times and Well, guilt is a great way to stay the same.

330.14263916015625 5751.15478515625
29 infinite_youtube__F_Lc8j-ThOs__45.010_47.451 He took this kurta, which I was wearing before.

332.07940673828125 5476.33056640625
30 infinite_youtube__hDGLS28DDmQ__401.194_402.314 Yeah, exactly.

332.673583984375 5059.57373046875
31 infinite_youtube__YWrnMNOovJE__778.127_779.862 I'm trying to answer honestly.

332.87176513671875 5237.140625
32 infinite_youtube__JZZsivj1auI__512.387_513.759 They do them right, dude.

332.9525756835937 4877.2705078125
33 infinite_youtube__6-BclpMMh5k__001800__1548.472_1554.145 They saw the gum and then they knew exactly what they had to do.

333.3832702636719 5814.87060546875
34 infinite_youtube__gWculirR-YY__34.599_37.834 Basically, put all your weight on top of it first.

334.47686767578125 5308.322265625
35 infinite_youtube__4sQvNMoZKrY__000000__479.514_482.126 Come on, you can do it!

337.26275634765625 3926.400390625
36 infinite_youtube__5Jo8svsC3sk__5.255_7.357 Burn the boats not with you in it though.

337.7412109375 4283.35791015625
37 infinite_youtube__CAGd_7djUF8__640.509_643.930 The Mark IV has what I consider, I call the droopier lines.

344.9087219238281 6667.119140625
38 infinite_youtube__tKPiCcMj0wc__58.083_61.135 It's one of my favorite songs, so I'm going to buy my mics and be able to play this sound.

345.26629638671875 5101.416015625
39 infinite_youtube__H5WgG6CXI9k__661.708_668.508 or anything like that that somebody drew or, you know, so it's just something that they're going to look at, see if it matches up in any other cases.

345.6686096191406 5127.91650390625
40 infinite_youtube__47l8Jml7kso__308.918_314.585 Because let me tell you something, if you listen loud enough, your foundation will talk back.

350.452392578125 4373.4873046875
41 infinite_youtube__1WvvZtJNZ7o__857.198_858.668 Let me ask you a question.

352.894287109375 4900.994140625
42 infinite_youtube__-dTYz_TIr8Y__33.634_36.636 All the biggest banks in the country were there.

359.08966064453125 4825.36083984375
43 infinite_youtube__6H2W8ActX2s__000000__1255.330_1258.541 You have zero presence outside Bengal.

363.6001281738281 5131.87939453125
44 infinite_youtube__lwfETZbrFmI__000000__623.170_629.693 Tea too probably!

365.806640625 5271.19873046875
45 infinite_youtube___2N27160HKs__356.523_358.074 They're just suing people.

377.1812744140625 4706.96044921875
46 infinite_youtube__BIE50RZ0GQk__95.006_99.228 And nowadays, when I read stuff in the morning, and you're doing live here, I love that you do live.

382.4030151367188 5921.6923828125
47 infinite_youtube__l27HGB0PwXs__620.678_622.879 Pineapple, nope.

383.25970458984375 4842.9765625
48 infinite_youtube__4rrdU9EZ6Js__181.624_185.146 Okay, so I'm told it's starting, so let's go to the president.

385.236328125 5097.75390625
49 infinite_youtube__X3_vfY82Q2w__000000__1168.070_1169.701 I mean, I'm still figuring out.

385.43365478515625 5013.09521484375
50 infinite_youtube__GGRvFTM5wHo__001800__117.814_118.905 Are you certain about that?

387.97607421875 5537.9990234375
51 infinite_youtube__4K96Htyd35k__007200__335.786_340.209 So it's like full body, like stones and like throwing logs around and stuff.

395.5177001953125 5282.9951171875
52 infinite_youtube__V9_sSjNUmBA__942.997_945.417 So you're already kind of treating it like a cake.

396.7600402832031 4371.5068359375
53 infinite_youtube__amCJkujz4z4__000000__1268.615_1269.965 Because you're staring at that screen.

399.2048645019531 6310.20654296875
54 infinite_youtube__Gcgqiq1bTdY__271.060_272.031 Go ahead, Tanya.

399.7245178222656 5061.5810546875
55 infinite_youtube__P53yJK5GyvU__45.525_48.225 And I just think, well, here, take a look.

403.6262512207031 5066.927734375
56 infinite_youtube__i7nN1puv-3o__154.388_158.220 I'm obviously getting ready for the Edinburgh Festival.

406.04541015625 5344.6474609375
57 infinite_youtube__O6VoW_7OwZ8__000000__606.073_607.463 It doesn't happen often on Food Wars.

408.2208557128906 4865.72119140625
58 infinite_youtube__WN31MYilqXU__000000__321.905_324.947 And trust is just a, it's a mammoth thing.

412.6318664550781 4889.81298828125
59 infinite_youtube__Up6-5kZDVdk__000000__780.671_783.874 You know, to block him from seeing.

415.5900573730469 5927.44970703125
60 infinite_youtube__AVqOOS3nX8g__250.184_253.958 Now let's try to catch the Dragonduck.

419.4681701660156 4937.70947265625
61 infinite_youtube__dwEbZ1sueUE__003600__1288.966_1291.727 Do you think we should play a fort game together?

419.843994140625 5290.61328125
62 infinite_youtube__qwVCXmvZ9XE__85.835_87.465 I knew you'd appreciate the real estate.

419.9523010253906 6095.39111328125
63 infinite_youtube__3czJFmOQnl0__95.814_97.425 slutty vegan.

422.6254577636719 4541.76123046875
64 infinite_youtube__Le122vas9aM__000000__1181.659_1182.949 More education.

423.8693237304688 5366.56884765625
65 infinite_youtube__NCPFTvKbms8__000000__103.246_109.179 Last week, if you guys were listening, we recorded last week's podcast before Google I O.

434.3966064453125 5371.171875
66 infinite_youtube__ejTpKJhlJYI__478.778_479.939 Wow, thanks, man.

437.7554016113281 5221.8349609375
67 infinite_youtube__JcKkvg84S6w__418.460_419.490 Yes, sir.

437.90380859375 4732.634765625
68 infinite_youtube__kXDivflF5Bo__001800__596.272_600.196 You're saying, okay, so here's the other question.

457.81683349609375 5402.509765625
69 infinite_youtube__gtxrIcahCZo__123.180_127.622 Nursing assistant background, not nursing.

459.7820434570313 3938.0556640625
70 infinite_youtube__HHw83tJOL_0__695.572_697.724 I'm not the pro here.

492.95904541015625 4891.14208984375
71 infinite_youtube__HzdzO2699BM__222.490_224.111 The older sister, is that what you called her?

493.32025146484375 4730.888671875
72 infinite_youtube__QXREwUET1_s__90.822_95.144 And those fish are very expensive, real taxidermy fish.

493.6033020019531 4749.21923828125
73 infinite_youtube__OTuGPE01fgI__526.040_528.273 It's like, one of her best friends.

495.4437561035156 6054.27490234375
74 infinite_youtube__6XTL4cF5GtA__1068.141_1070.913 Like the parents side, but does that pass on to the kids?

509.6519165039063 5485.15380859375
75 infinite_youtube__DovTawwjNBY__001800__372.194_373.735 Hehehehe!

523.1649169921875 5017.74462890625
76 infinite_youtube__auZDWTMLM8I__001800__89.255_90.507 So that, I mean, yeah.

524.6568603515625 4216.09423828125
77 infinite_youtube__QhhGrrMd4VM__003600__833.566_836.429 It just doesn't occur that way, that it is.

532.6690063476562 4963.55322265625
78 infinite_youtube__z2PIq6Ue2AA__413.445_420.090 I was thinking about getting ribs later as you know we were talking about ribs and now I think now about ribs.

554.3846435546875 6054.5810546875
79 infinite_youtube__v5icUKeqWdA__77.950_79.471 I didn't just direct it when I was...

557.8802490234375 5366.69140625
80 infinite_youtube__chkoaLCr8mo__000000__775.328_779.029 But my airplane can't fit all the animals.

583.05712890625 5824.22802734375
81 infinite_youtube__ffk3mf8BwqQ__003600__711.623_714.667 And I use this for more time based reminders and location based.

588.4180297851562 5805.68896484375
82 infinite_youtube__oI9Kg2naNfs__000000__1065.776_1072.489 Yeah, so the Fairness Action was, Congress passed it in 1928 at the dawn of commercial radio.

598.4901733398438 5081.8232421875
83 infinite_youtube__loihHSbQesk__007200__167.865_169.206 That was my justification.

602.4064331054688 5501.73486328125
84 infinite_youtube__pa_nvskLLH4__000000__64.657_66.728 What do you do with them?

603.779296875 4168.859375
85 infinite_youtube__Gz3G_Tx8MFM__003600__1522.589_1523.549 It's not that works.

658.1010131835938 5290.19970703125
86 infinite_youtube__PLWBJpre5mI__143.553_145.464 Next year I'll be 100, won't I?

662.1632080078125 5043.501953125
87 infinite_youtube__NTPyeSGPdWk__000000__1594.094_1595.745 We're still in Jersey at the time.

663.750732421875 4822.3798828125
88 infinite_youtube__vAfCI_09GQs__000000__853.313_856.195 When was Afghanistan a part of India?

664.8746337890625 5463.83642578125
89 infinite_youtube__lVXfvJFUBj0__000000__406.495_407.466 Yucky!

713.9763793945312 6326.6748046875
90 infinite_youtube__tcQE_kDS4HY__72.673_74.044 This will happen.

753.7861328125 4524.61962890625
91 infinite_youtube__3meg6x9OkRs__000000__1426.260_1430.897 I am challenging Mr. Shubhraj to say that the temple was built by the Bharatiya Janata Party.

762.1168212890625 4948.55615234375
92 infinite_youtube__4Ws89X0QCk4__133.723_135.715 I just want to be really clear about something.

789.4338989257812 5845.09423828125
93 infinite_youtube__fFzK61ixRwk__001800__748.455_749.746 That some real one.

795.5018920898438 5299.55712890625
94 infinite_youtube__y-RZ2jUFL0Q__35.715_38.826 Congratulations, especially in these times right now.

814.4435424804688 4940.66748046875
95 infinite_youtube__EtlkVveNiSk__286.517_289.118 Let's not thank the crew, they get paid.

832.8273315429688 4552.73681640625
96 infinite_youtube__v7VF55cyDUc__167.740_173.123 The Institute of Democracy should have been talked about and investigated a long time ago.

890.4649658203125 5749.98681640625
97 infinite_youtube__y2KfqzvoWzY__001800__1043.511_1045.362 It's just like been too much.

949.205810546875 5523.48388671875
98 infinite_youtube__miUZL4sg4fI__74.410_76.242 This is absolutely fantastic.

1166.4429931640625 4533.02001953125
99 infinite_youtube__GkGhhpfrxlg__001800__1200.287_1203.379 We could have had the clarification ten years earlier.

1604.8275146484375 6332.36083984375