# id text audio loss_mel_ce loss_text_ce consistency_score
0 infinite_youtube__F3bztDC-pw4__129.879_135.962 Bake for another 5 to 10 minutes uncovered or until the casserole is golden brown and bubbly.

118.6863784790039 4759.82421875 0.031341552734375
1 infinite_youtube__v9IkeUB9Gvw__18.304_26.496 These rockets striking just several hours after 42 countries called on Russian forces to leave the plant, which is actually about 50 miles from here.

54.3443603515625 5011.52734375 0.033477783203125
2 infinite_youtube__90rofvINpxM__32.857_38.329 In 2016, she was slow to back then-candidate Trump for president.

84.9337158203125 5358.73876953125 0.038543701171875
3 infinite_youtube__dFCbJmgeHmA__245.256_259.151 It is so insanely strong, that in India, it might have shaken gigantic lava fields and causes volcanic eruptions that would last for 30,000 years and cover half of the Indian subcontinent with lava.

90.19436645507812 5631.64599609375 0.040435791015625
4 infinite_youtube__373hOmMbsE4__0.000_1.810 took executive order action.

39.46839141845703 4638.63671875 0.04156494140625
5 infinite_youtube__vInK_t5WitI__1670.383_1676.158 Then when she got to his house, changed into the dress and had that long-awaited dance with her grandfather.

129.1945037841797 5042.40576171875 0.042327880859375
6 infinite_youtube__6-FTrb_lVeI__382.963_389.224 Answering my life journey in one question is going to be a little bit tough but I'm going to give it the best shot I can.

105.69269561767578 5134.91455078125 0.0433349609375
7 infinite_youtube__N-1gzo3Pyvo__415.353_420.525 So yes, the industry is young, but you know it's a real industry if they have a convention.

123.93273162841795 4960.86572265625 0.044189453125
8 infinite_youtube__KdmDtqB46Jc__001800__1189.802_1195.395 George St. Pierre, for 80% of your career, you were powered by McDonald's and Coca-Cola.

188.2181701660156 5347.71142578125 0.044189453125
9 infinite_youtube__qmk9dPDw2Yg__302.607_304.414 My pleasure, thanks.

51.82128143310547 5206.5537109375 0.044708251953125
10 infinite_youtube__Hc3E58bxxmo__000000__504.217_506.368 So we kind of kept to our separate areas.

105.75885009765624 6312.03662109375 0.045257568359375
11 infinite_youtube___LOYZ2hBQt4__382.275_383.325 Thank you.

32.49864959716797 3538.1259765625 0.045440673828125
12 infinite_youtube__alvFhaKwlq0__000000__551.976_559.002 Now I couldn't find Not that it's any of my business, but you know, I was just curious, but I couldn't find how she died.

198.98692321777344 4869.1513671875 0.046356201171875
13 infinite_youtube__jW3STre70f0__000000__1711.653_1714.726 Let's not let's not bother putting it up again.

201.4138641357422 4851.36669921875 0.04791259765625
14 infinite_youtube__WzbXpCkLGf4__133.715_139.696 The idea was that if you told kids not to do something, it was just going to make them want to do it 10 times more.

145.92340087890625 5207.5419921875 0.048583984375
15 infinite_youtube__i0bbJcfKZnU__397.743_400.757 Now wait till they're 25, 30 years old.

87.97026062011719 5479.9560546875 0.0487060546875
16 infinite_youtube__wsdvdUFl4xU__77.450_83.784 The news of the deaths on the ground came before our USC-130 cargo plane released its own payload.

220.8631896972656 5304.43115234375 0.04901123046875
17 infinite_youtube__-tOhx3scJvU__001800__205.004_209.987 22 year old Sharon was found guilty and sentenced to life.

170.60736083984375 5597.08935546875 0.05010986328125
18 infinite_youtube__0WbHBducmr0__18.727_21.827 The Russians have lost 200,000 dead.

159.8304901123047 5260.9833984375 0.051055908203125
19 infinite_youtube__Ee8lkV6hDfg__14.957_23.341 Hutchinson is now working with the prosecutor looking at Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results in Georgia.

85.12305450439453 5113.65673828125 0.051361083984375
20 infinite_youtube__gI7pnQ8T5Kk__125.788_127.139 Remember the character.

307.59283447265625 5112.4521484375 0.051422119140625
21 infinite_youtube__BHoKs9tFjtc__324.896_331.059 You also might be a little mentally disturbed by my number seven, which is Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

77.05038452148438 5404.6328125 0.051544189453125
22 infinite_youtube__5BIuINM96Q8__001800__933.409_937.891 Is there a difference between doing a good job and doing the best that you can?

101.31815338134766 5959.8837890625 0.051910400390625
23 infinite_youtube__Ox4bHA9fGGY__453.915_459.286 They're made from splitting normal diploid cells to separate the alleles.

77.99324798583984 4832.47119140625 0.05194091796875
24 infinite_youtube__FvE7aSP2-xY__005400__1242.003_1243.905 They're very analytical.

145.28021240234375 4639.8095703125 0.05242919921875
25 infinite_youtube__mgkl_vdvLEg__517.064_525.155 To disallow criticism of the mainstream consensus is a recipe for gross abuses of power and is an attack on free speech, science, and democracy.

123.05831909179688 5415.47216796875 0.053070068359375
26 infinite_youtube__Jx5Hccyv6Ho__69.262_73.844 Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat.

154.83444213867188 4735.60595703125 0.053558349609375
27 infinite_youtube__QAizXbQ8R18__149.440_155.843 In 2013, a group of independent scientists reviewed the evidence for the Department of Transport.

103.90262603759766 5260.37646484375 0.0538330078125
28 infinite_youtube__j6YaOqKORYY__542.138_546.370 This is where the cell does more than just cut the fluff like in regular splicing.

142.86814880371094 5287.40576171875 0.053924560546875
29 infinite_youtube__VEBDy7h_2y4__677.174_680.687 So we are terrified of the idea of giving it all and not being enough.

69.47734069824219 5284.97021484375 0.05401611328125
30 infinite_youtube__t0yaqQuBpMo__402.067_413.504 But if you find out because that information is not readily available to us and you don't like what you see, then these investments are actually not considered very liquid, aka they're not as easy as you'd think to go and sell.

100.52662658691406 4963.7001953125 0.05462646484375
31 infinite_youtube__2BQBcegVe_s__19.257_29.081 We spoke with a few pastors here at this predominantly African American church about some of their concerns and what they're hearing from voters as they try to encourage them to go to the polls.

101.9634780883789 5699.55712890625 0.0548095703125
32 infinite_youtube__zKyTrEbxQkU__41.303_46.205 When it comes to musicians, the majority are afraid they will lose their audience.

219.14337158203125 5321.25244140625 0.055023193359375
33 infinite_youtube__69YbDvgRugA__293.127_297.899 This is just an extra step that I added because I do like looking nice and bronzed in the day.

126.34339904785156 5782.15576171875 0.0555419921875
34 infinite_youtube__3kMCGFhtvgk__194.497_197.538 But it was a stunning moment.

185.5276031494141 5051.1943359375 0.0557861328125
35 infinite_youtube__5t1vTLU7s40__007200__908.331_916.196 No, you need to make better AI systems, and they will be safe because they are designed to be more useful and more controllable.

281.6812744140625 4842.126953125 0.05609130859375
36 infinite_youtube__qtRf7F5ucOQ__184.086_191.371 And I'm sure there's many reasons, many ways to explain why there was such an interest in the case and why everybody was just fascinated by it.

100.23062896728516 5343.25634765625 0.05621337890625
37 infinite_youtube__pQ186wDXKFw__272.209_277.962 So I think the expectations of younger generations have kind of been warped by social media.

172.4351348876953 5426.76904296875 0.05621337890625
38 infinite_youtube__ozt760ycV84__000000__1267.286_1273.019 When he was 12, he was sent by a neighbor to pick up a package of morphine from the drug store.

91.4822769165039 5133.3330078125 0.056671142578125
39 infinite_youtube__QaZY7JmLyQo__88.624_90.555 Have I ever met Jennifer Aniston?

185.20286560058597 5930.1015625 0.057403564453125
40 infinite_youtube__RzdRiXkcP38__39.320_47.704 When it comes to mass gatherings, again, we take the advice of the Chief Medical Officer at both the federal level, but also at the state level.

102.33659362792967 6200.3076171875 0.05743408203125
41 infinite_youtube__G2RuIGOtQEw__183.660_190.652 Now I just want to scatter the rest into the bottom and then I'm going to press it down and really get into these corners.

128.85299682617188 5674.8359375 0.05780029296875
42 infinite_youtube__4oR3ylgCCcQ__473.251_480.581 She said, well, I don't think it's been within six months because you did have a bit of tartar, but I don't know that it's been a year either.

121.7396469116211 5005.0986328125 0.05908203125
43 infinite_youtube__C5cKF2_wNyc__310.058_320.811 When you do each strand that has the string attached, as you cross over each piece, you're going to want to make sure that the strand is on top, otherwise you're not going to see the color peek through.

79.11368560791016 5633.21435546875 0.05914306640625
44 infinite_youtube__s13jQifTk5E__14.242_20.478 The Ohio EPA says the water is safe to drink, but is still urging some residents to use bottled water.

103.03776550292967 5035.2216796875 0.059356689453125
45 infinite_youtube__aENI6mo0VMw__154.388_157.662 All right, good news and bad news, kind of all at once in one package.

120.78119659423828 5594.91259765625 0.05963134765625
46 infinite_youtube__YTwpwCI1zHs__26.048_28.829 That's about 90 miles east of Charlotte.

88.99966430664062 4738.13525390625 0.060302734375
47 infinite_youtube__mEgmQXaHe34__000000__378.686_383.387 In the end, they dragged him almost half a mile across the rocky ground to the river.

98.8924331665039 5864.978515625 0.060394287109375
48 infinite_youtube__CVx9IB_U9X4__000000__1768.794_1771.535 But I'm like, lose me.

51.29023742675781 5261.09375 0.060882568359375
49 infinite_youtube__VqmK0HckNxU__208.356_213.359 Actually strap into a seat, because otherwise you might end up on the floor.

86.91693878173828 5233.42626953125 0.06182861328125
50 infinite_youtube__SJn4xNYaa_c__000000__583.253_588.095 He gave me no red flags or any other indication that he might be a sketchy person.

52.31403350830078 5205.1484375 0.061920166015625
51 infinite_youtube__kNwK60Nx3Cs__5.402_11.785 They are back in court here during a procedural hearing between the parents of the accused Oxford school shooter.

116.12789154052734 6323.712890625 0.062744140625
52 infinite_youtube__74r5-rDvJes__5.041_9.273 Chris Cabrera is the vice president of the National Border Patrol Council and joins us now.

85.52471160888672 5837.55712890625 0.0631103515625
53 infinite_youtube__DKDVbL0pAak__201.329_205.841 That's not the headline that's going to help her necessarily in a Democratic primary.

86.32551574707031 4408.65966796875 0.06427001953125
54 infinite_youtube__1fHGkAw2njw__689.149_694.081 You can't solve something like racism without one saying it's a problem.

110.84282684326172 5488.92138671875 0.06451416015625
55 infinite_youtube__V6k5xNfVrow__293.799_296.680 Okay, I think you may be reporting...

526.2692260742188 5127.4716796875 0.06488037109375
56 infinite_youtube__jIk6Gh_ofRI__001800__1028.330_1031.931 And I go out and I run the race of my life.

100.25056457519533 5950.3935546875 0.0655517578125
57 infinite_youtube__YrweUovK3s8__639.446_645.067 There are a few other reasons for a negative nitrite test despite the presence of bladder bacteria.

50.61409759521485 5709.71435546875 0.06573486328125
58 infinite_youtube__6JcWmd04yPw__682.435_688.317 Soon after, the Armenian army approached and the Romans fell back behind the river.

89.60733032226562 5804.94189453125 0.0660400390625
59 infinite_youtube__87IahSoR8Pc__441.977_446.900 Moreover, the party rescued dozens of free world civilians and American employees along the way.

48.48189926147461 5227.36572265625 0.06610107421875
60 infinite_youtube__sp_iT6pjR6k__003600__1484.543_1488.567 Is it because you don't feel like you're good enough or you're worthy?

102.59423065185548 5170.26513671875 0.06695556640625
61 infinite_youtube__YOXKXBt4vTU__141.784_146.926 But there is concern that these tornadoes could strike overnight while people are sleeping.

97.93260955810548 5007.04638671875 0.06707763671875
62 infinite_youtube__-C1YeS1sFBg__45.072_54.765 And then you have the broader picture, which is global economic conditions beginning to cool down a little, even in the better parts of the world in terms of growth.

128.93344116210938 5536.568359375 0.0672607421875
63 infinite_youtube__QaGCKWst0eA__261.978_268.801 We have not announced anything in that regard today, but there are a lot of folks looking at that, including the Justice Department, as I understand.

51.61355209350586 5275.82568359375 0.06781005859375
64 infinite_youtube__y4s514pLr2M__66.844_71.398 So it's nice that she sent it, and my wife starts reading, and here's how it goes.

75.47057342529297 4962.69677734375 0.0679931640625
65 infinite_youtube__nTix23OgmJU__46.620_50.964 Do you think of it as the cause of America's economic dominance or as a consequence of it?

116.4984359741211 5890.25244140625 0.0679931640625
66 infinite_youtube__4qcF6u5fQA4__26.798_33.082 Right now, India as one of the key global players is engaging with all kinds of stakeholders.

89.8593521118164 5179.49853515625 0.068359375
67 infinite_youtube__yhAyt-1VuCo__159.856_167.918 It gives me the most anxiety and I have to literally sit there and put all my willpower to make sure that I don't freak out having the mold in my mouth.

86.10137939453125 5570.51708984375 0.06878662109375
68 infinite_youtube__xA8aHYalJds__628.995_642.938 In the 2004 case of Highbull v. 6 Judicial District Court of Nevada, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a conviction for obstructing an officer against a passenger who refused to identify themselves when a police officer had reasonable suspicion he was involved in criminal activity.

94.50944519042967 5902.70849609375 0.06890869140625
69 infinite_youtube__YFf-gFvn3Cg__001800__584.087_589.368 His kidney function has failed, as evidenced by his lab work.

53.46479797363281 5550.86376953125 0.06903076171875
70 infinite_youtube__AbdyaEN367w__203.665_205.045 I don't see anything.

228.00804138183597 4831.494140625 0.06927490234375
71 infinite_youtube__8RwkCEBaUWU__54.518_61.021 And we've come up with a little lyric book so that everyone can kind of follow along since it is spoken after all.

81.30447387695312 4834.029296875 0.06927490234375
72 infinite_youtube__rHZ__NsNxp4__001800__892.706_899.119 But we'll find a job for you and we'll keep you for as long as it takes for you to feel like you can get back on your feet.

113.51322174072266 5210.333984375 0.06939697265625
73 infinite_youtube__ymPNqDC2OKo__1143.096_1150.834 Investigators have now filed for federal search warrants in the North Carolina shooting, and now power stations in other states are reporting recent attacks.

73.4694595336914 5305.119140625 0.06982421875
74 infinite_youtube__WE1vecRlpHg__56.909_61.532 She also wants discovery materials turned over by September 29th.

41.358497619628906 5577.0341796875 0.06988525390625
75 infinite_youtube__orQKzqIQRWE__210.067_213.519 Surely a big event would be wildly out of their price range.

80.5192642211914 4730.4375 0.070068359375
76 infinite_youtube__xVf5kZA0HtQ__117.343_121.136 They divided one Earth year into 12 periods.

127.07968139648438 5740.39306640625 0.07012939453125
77 infinite_youtube__4VIpBip5Xwc__65.540_71.572 At this very moment, more than 6 in 10 Americans believe our country is on the wrong track.

107.99290466308594 5070.52880859375 0.07037353515625
78 infinite_youtube__KJk07Cnn3RY__471.750_473.060 Nice job, Robert Costa.

164.51512145996094 4037.41162109375 0.07049560546875
79 infinite_youtube__kP1vYnExV4g__247.085_253.560 She went on to say that the risk to the unvaccinated would dramatically increase as most stop masking.

86.92195892333984 5397.6015625 0.07061767578125
80 infinite_youtube__kMlSitxJv5Q__36.299_40.655 You could tear this if you wanted to, but I think shears make it a lot easier.

161.72315979003906 4796.66650390625 0.071533203125
81 infinite_youtube__-Uiz-Upog9Q__130.219_132.920 And so that, to me, seems to be a big difference.

211.9789123535156 5321.43017578125 0.07159423828125
82 infinite_youtube__gAXJnJdSHmM__73.582_84.776 Fitbit wants to have its IPO very quickly come out come out strong show that they're profitable believe they make 41 cents a share if you look at their prospectus and that would be great for them.

145.91915893554688 5292.50634765625 0.07220458984375
83 infinite_youtube__Vgxvz8vgPIA__000000__610.146_612.757 Now, when I went to college, my grades were awesome.

144.17025756835938 4329.74267578125 0.0726318359375
84 infinite_youtube__kBUhf7OjZFk__1047.141_1051.074 At the beginning, I think most of us thought this is a unique situation.

137.20863342285156 5545.80517578125 0.07342529296875
85 infinite_youtube__WNuIhXo39_k__381.270_384.162 So that's the length of this vector.

99.36265563964844 5604.9150390625 0.07354736328125
86 infinite_youtube__MOa2IodUAU8__10.767_13.688 So, um, relatively new listener.

116.66770935058594 5802.69970703125 0.0736083984375
87 infinite_youtube__QDrMaQhsD_c__9.215_19.654 According to the company's 2022 global threat report, there was a 50% increase in attempts to hack private and public computer systems over the past 12 months.

163.94627380371094 4811.1484375 0.0738525390625
88 infinite_youtube__w0k4SQ2a3TA__28.762_33.095 The timing took me by surprise as well, but not necessarily the outcome.

77.99507141113281 4996.21826171875 0.0738525390625
89 infinite_youtube__kQTI73v84m4__754.715_759.066 And remember, that's because inflation is just the measure of growth.

127.80630493164062 5843.048828125 0.0740966796875
90 infinite_youtube__0f59kx61hn8__293.878_297.470 I'm hoping that people will become more and more comfortable with it.

147.88009643554688 3999.681884765625 0.07421875
91 infinite_youtube__yQqlXBBFGos__000000__754.370_758.132 You know, April really wants to, when you're pregnant, you can't eat sprouts.

173.82955932617188 5102.7978515625 0.07427978515625
92 infinite_youtube__Nesg1l_WWiU__754.928_761.433 He now claimed that Cheyenne had told him about two black men who were smoking weed in a motel.

109.94920349121094 5125.57470703125 0.0743408203125
93 infinite_youtube__AZCkE0qknlk__64.679_69.712 He did everything that needed to be done and the baby's doing great.

144.64166259765625 5505.71875 0.074462890625
94 infinite_youtube__RAFEheCAHO0__149.926_154.490 and the GBI handling the officer involved shooting is standard procedure.

74.46434020996094 5333.76611328125 0.0745849609375
95 infinite_youtube__KkiU8RyN6sg__323.230_326.533 I want these kids to understand what it's really like to be a kid.

145.7271728515625 5058.7001953125 0.07489013671875
96 infinite_youtube__-oHGafLPvEE__001800__561.990_567.974 And for some reason, her mentioning caring about his daughter just really triggered something deep in him.

116.61865234375 5146.8623046875 0.07513427734375
97 infinite_youtube__BrrGjdoVC9U__001800__768.351_773.724 and we can see it, but you know, you just worry about all those pedestrians out there.

186.6179656982422 5043.76220703125 0.0753173828125
98 infinite_youtube__1nHI-4Nayiw__001800__28.971_31.093 These happen in broad daylight.

69.4669418334961 4694.9140625 0.0758056640625
99 infinite_youtube__6KE9vsFub_E__113.700_126.450 At a minimum, it is going to delay the January 6 trial by several months, and I think it will make it exceedingly difficult for the government to bring him before a jury in Washington, D.C. before the election in November.

117.63557434082033 5054.7314453125 0.0758056640625