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39 infinite_youtube__xxcHQLms5Yo__175.946_186.969 Lots of great stuff here, so go on, click the subscribe button right over here to get more of awesome videos and content from GMA every day, anytime.

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40 infinite_youtube__ytADQmbF6Ro__103.512_112.853 So go on, click the subscribe button right over here to get more of awesome videos and content from GMA every day, anytime.

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57 infinite_youtube__6ekvp8hU9mg__75.087_81.883 If you'd like to get more videos, show highlights, and watch live event coverage, click on the right over here to subscribe to our channel.

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58 infinite_youtube__rGP_UIl1owk__77.507_86.847 So go on, click the subscribe button right over here to get more of awesome videos and content from GMA every day, anytime.

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62 infinite_youtube__GMPENANCKxg__116.511_117.602 Robin Roberts here.

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75 infinite_youtube__o9LcJ3CUXIs__190.395_192.897 Thanks for checking out the ABC News YouTube channel.

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2.372474908828736 7862.2392578125
78 infinite_youtube__01ase6ADTXk__161.172_163.093 Hi everyone, George Stephanopoulos here.

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79 infinite_youtube__098xN0rkIII__467.418_469.329 Hi everyone, George Stephanopoulos here.

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2.564660787582397 5592.3251953125
81 infinite_youtube__9AEjki7ESS8__356.481_357.562 Robin Roberts here.

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82 infinite_youtube__Z9cmDGVExeE__320.214_322.176 Well, hey there, GMA fans.

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83 infinite_youtube__eVXwHOpHlRc__151.207_152.297 Robin Roberts here.

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85 infinite_youtube__EYabmCir-lc__86.633_88.555 Hi everyone, George Stephanopoulos here.

2.789773941040039 7627.15576171875
86 infinite_youtube__N-OykGafh3U__135.977_146.990 Lots of great stuff here, so go on, click the subscribe button right over here to get more of awesome videos and content from GMA every day, anytime.

2.790708541870117 7853.666015625
87 infinite_youtube__DnK3IWKXvRE__471.118_478.558 Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News' YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis.

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88 infinite_youtube__JZRM7Eou2R0__127.199_128.281 Robin Roberts here.

2.984407663345337 9312.673828125
89 infinite_youtube__ECMmSqXaUts__177.721_185.158 Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News' YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis.

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90 infinite_youtube__mm5CzimlaXA__177.733_179.625 Lots of great stuff here.

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91 infinite_youtube__il1PD_3v2DQ__365.179_372.617 Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News' YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis.

3.445435047149658 6147.67529296875
92 infinite_youtube__5d8OBkPtF-8__487.984_489.595 Hi, I'm Lee Sayles.

3.445871591567993 5927.56298828125
93 infinite_youtube__vhgpdboyqO4__384.933_392.366 Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis.

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94 infinite_youtube__-SGBH88XDCU__344.466_351.906 Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News' YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis.

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95 infinite_youtube__ZBmecMX-dJk__465.521_472.974 Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News' YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis.

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96 infinite_youtube__T_u1n99EgBU__395.185_402.619 Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News' YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis.

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99 infinite_youtube__oApmn_LBinI__001800__509.502_511.063 I'm going to take that off, turn your hand all the way out like that.

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